The New Nutrition Label

I don’t know if you have heard the buzz this past week, but the FDA is proposing some changes to help better inform consumer about their food choices. I reviewed the proposed updates and have my own opinions about the update. I would love to hear what everyone else thinks! If you haven’t read up about the changes, you can catch up right here.

Why the update?
Americans are eating larger serving sizes. The rate of obesity, heart disease, and stroke remain high. A poor diet contributes to these diseases. The FDA wants to update the nutrition label to help provide important nutrition information to raise awareness and make it easier to understand to make healthier choices.
“Obesity, heart disease and other chronic diseases are leading public health problems,” says Michael Landa, director of FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. “The proposed new label is intended to bring attention to calories and serving sizes, which are important in addressing these problems. Further, we are now proposing to require the listing of added sugars. The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends reducing calories from added sugars and solid fats.”

“The goal is to make people aware of what they are eating and give them the tools to make healthy dietary choices throughout the day,” says Leighton.

Current Label:

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New Proposed Label:

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Let’s look at the changes (with my opinions):

The first thing consumers would notice is a greater emphasis—with larger and bolder type—on calories. “The number of calories is especially important to maintaining a healthy weight,” says Leighton.

I like how the calories are clearly stated, but I don’t necessarily like that it’s the biggest and boldest on the label. It leads your eye directly to the calories, which does not always mean it’s a healthy choice.

For the first time, “Added Sugars” would be included on the label. On average, Americans eat 16 percent of their daily calories from sugars added during food production.
I really like this feature. So many products have added sugar in them. It’s great to be able to distinguish naturally occurring sugars (like lactose in yogurt) compared to sugar fillers.

And the calories from fat would no longer be listed. “We know that the type of fat is more important than the total amount of fat,” says Kavanaugh. Total, saturated and trans fat will still be required.
The calories from fat often confused many people. By simplifying it to just the total, saturated, and trans fats will help consumers understand better.

The number of servings per package would also be more prominent. And “Amount Per Serving,” would now have the actual serving size listed, such as “Amount per cup.”
I like how the number of servings per package is more prominent. I felt that was often not looked at close enough and now it will help with proper portion control.

FDA proposes updating serving size requirements. These updates would reflect the reality of what people actually eat, according to recent food consumption data. By law, serving sizes must be based on what people actually eat, not on what they “should” be eating.
I am on the fence about this one. I don’t necessarily think we should up the serving size just because society is eating larger portions. I think the serving size as is “what people should be eating”, is a great tool to help promote smaller portions.

FDA would update Daily Values for various nutrients. Daily Values are used to calculate the Percent Daily Value (%DV) on the label, which helps consumers understand the nutrition information in the context of a total diet. In addition, the %DV would be shifted to the left of the label. FDA wants to help consumers visually and quickly put nutrient information in context.
Honestly, when I first looked at the new proposed label I didn’t even know it was on the other side. With it in it’s own column, it looks organized. It makes sense since people read left to right, they would see the %DV first.

The amounts of potassium and Vitamin D would be required on the label. Vitamin D is important for healthy bones, especially among women and the elderly. And potassium helps to lower blood pressure and prevent hypertension. “We have evidence that people are not consuming enough of these nutrients to protect against chronic diseases,” says Leighton.
Yes, vitamin D is important, and most Americans lack this vitamin, but I feel like Vitamin D is the latest buzz in nutrition. It just proposed questions like why not include omega-3’s or any value then?
What do you think of the new proposed nutrition label?

Reduce Your Sugar Intake

Recently, during one of my last rotations during my dietetic internship, I made a display of the everyday foods that many people concern that have surprisingly high amounts of sugar.

sugar display.jpg

This visual stopped so many people as they walked by. It was a good visual to really see how much sugar are in some of these everyday foods. For example, the first picture of the snickers bar, a woman explained how she could easily eat that snickers, but wouldn’t ever just eat that much sugar by the spoonful.
Just when I was typing up this post, my friend Lauren posted this picture on facebook about sugar:



Tips for Cutting Back on Sugar:

Cut down slowly. Forget going cold turkey. If you normally have two candy bars a day, cut to one a day. Then next week, one every other day. The following week, have one candy bar every three days, until you’re down to just one a week. The more sugar you eat, the more you’ll crave. So cutting down slowly is the best way to tame a sweet tooth gone wild.
Swap out your sugary drinks. Mix half a regular ice tea with half unsweetened ice tea. Try this for two weeks, and then cut back to one-quarter sweetened to three-quarters unsweetened. Continue until you’re only drinking the unsweetened version. Think water is too plain? Try adding lemon, lime, or orange slices to sweeten it up.
Grant yourself a daily sugar “quota,” and use it on foods where it matters most. For most of us, that means desserts. Don’t waste it on dressings, spreads, breakfast cereals, and soda. Not only will this reduce your sugar intake in a day, but it will help you lose your sweet tooth. Sugar is incredibly addictive: The more you eat, the more addictive it becomes and the more it takes to satisfy you.
Keep triggers out of the house. A half gallon of ice cream in the freezer is temptation defined. A tip recommended: Don’t keep ice cream at home. Ice cream should always be a treat worth traveling for.
Go light on the condiments. Condiments like Ketchup and BBQ sauce have hidden sugar them in them that you may not realize. Skip the condiments all together and flavor your foods with flavorful herbs and spices.
Watch for these code words found on ingredient lists. The only way to know if the processed food you’re buying contains sugar is to know its many aliases or other forms. Here are the common ones: brown sugar, corn syrup, dextrin, dextrose, fructose, fruit juice concentrate, high-fructose corn syrup, galactose, glucose, honey, hydrogenated starch, invert sugar maltose, lactose, mannitol, maple syrup, molasses, polyols, raw sugar, sorghum, sucrose, sorbitol, turbinado sugar, and xylitol.
Substitute applesauce or pureed prunes for half the sugar in recipes. You can also use them in place of the recipe’s fat.
Get your chocolate in small doses. Dip fresh strawberries into dark chocolate sauce, scatter chocolate sprinkles over your plain yogurt, or eat a mini-piece of dark chocolate — freeze it so it lasts longer in your mouth. Think rich and decadent but in tiny portions.
Choose the right breakfast cereal. Many of them are loaded with sugar. You want one with less than 8 grams sugar per serving or, preferably, unsweetened altogether (like plain oatmeal- not the packets). Use diced fruit to sweeten your cereal.
Don’t skip meals. Too busy to eat? When you go without breakfast, lunch, or dinner, your blood sugar levels drop, propelling you toward high-sugar (often convenience) foods to quell your cravings.