Pear Walnut Muffins
Pear Walnut Muffins
Enjoy as part of breakfast or alone as a snack
Enjoy as part of breakfast or alone as a snack
How to know if a pear is ripe?
Pears are one of the few fruits that don’t ripen on the tree. Pears are harvested when they reach maturity, and when left at room temperature pears slowly ripen from the inside out.
What’s different about green anjou pears?
Anjou pears have a more egg shape appearance. Their dense flesh holds up well in heated applications like baking, poaching, roasting, or grilling and they are delicious when sliced fresh in salads or eaten as an out-of-hand snack.
How to make Pear Walnut Muffins
Pour wet ingredients into dry ingredients. Fold in mix-ins. Bake!